Besta Med believes that socially responsible business can help build a better world for all of us. And it is built by strong personalities with high and stable principles and values.

Our company is consistent in its social responsibility. In 2013, Besta Med created the Besta Med Forest. Eight years later, we have upgraded our care for the environment with a commitment to the health and well-being of our team members.
We believe that our high spirit, activity and ethics is a guarantee for our customers, the local community, our suppliers and partners. We strive to preserve and pass on to our team these values both professionally and personally.
Besta Med Challenge is an internal competition created for our team members. The first-ever Besta Med Challenge was held for two days, the 3rd and 4th of July 2021, in the town of Sandanski, where a total of 30 medals were awarded – 11 gold, 10 silver, and 9 bronze.
Besta Med’s challenge is one-of-a-kind corporate multi-event. The challenge aims to encourage employees to incorporate sports into their daily routine to stay healthy and maintain their activity and well-being for as long as possible.
The Besta Med Challenge is an annual event that all the employees in the company eagerly await.
Besta Med Challenge is an annual event that is eagerly awaited by all employees in the company.